Monday, November 06, 2006

I've finally finished all my Uni work for the year so I've got some spare time. The last month or so I was unbelievably busy. Weekdays went like this: get up, breakfast, go to work, come home, study, go play volleyball, come home, study, dinner, sleep. Weekends were just as bad. Anytime I wasn't at some school festival or work meeting I was finishing of Uni work. Now I've actually got time to relax after work and on the weekend. Nice....

It's been getting steadily colder over the past few weeks. It's well into the minuses at night time, though it hasn't snowed in town yet. It probably will this week. It has been snowing on the mountains surrounding my town for about a week or two now. My apartment is nice and warm. In fact, it's too warm. There's a great big heater that sits in the middle of my apartment cooking everythin agound it. Even when its off (which it always is) it still radiates enough heat for me to have to open the windows regularly. I guess it will be perfect when the weather really starts getting cold.

Yesterday was a great day. School started at 8:30 but I didn't have any classes until about 11:00 so I spent some time on the internet. I checked all my regular news sites and each one gave me great news. Spurs beat Chelsea in the league for the first time since 1990. Arsenal lost. Australia won the Champions trophy. Australia won the International Rules. Adam Scott won the golf. A great day to be a sports fan.


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